Community, JSJ
Community Involvement
JSJ has been a supporter of United Way since there has been a United Way in this community—but their community spirit and philanthropy can be traced much further back. For 100 years, they have invested generously in the West Michigan communities from where they first drew their talent, inspiration, and strength. Employees in their three local businesses are generous contributors to United Way – through volunteer leadership on our board and campaign cabinet, by participating in annual Day of Caring projects, and by running dynamic workplace campaigns. Over the years their top officers have stepped up to lead many successful United Way campaigns in the Tri-Cities. More recently, they helped oversee the transition to a county-wide United Way, provided start up guidance, facilities and resources for the CALL 2-1-1 community access line, and often provided wise leaders from among their ranks to serve as directors of this United Way. But United Way isn’t the only way they demonstrate their devotion to community. In every corner of West Michigan you will see evidence of their community spirit and philanthropy.